
Edit enabled services on API Keys

All services on API keys are enabled by default. If you want to disable any services or edit settings for each service:

  • Go to Dashboard

    Navigate to Settings > API Keys on the dashboard.

  • Choose API key

    Choose the API Key from which you want to enable or disable a Service.

  • Edit

    Select Edit to enter the editor view.

  • Modify services

    Navigate to the Services section and enable the service and modify any services as needed.

  • Save Changes



By default, Storage services are enabled upon creation of the API Key.

Storage provides two sub-settings enabled by default on API Key creation.

  • Upload - Enable uploading to Storage
  • Download - Enable downloading from Storage

To disable Upload or Download:

  • Navigate to Settings > API Keys
  • Toggle the checkboxes in the Services > Storage settings

RPC Edge

By default, RPC Edge services are enabled upon creation of the API Key.

To use RPC Edge in your application, see our RPC Edge QuickStart article.

Smart Wallets

By default, Smart Wallet services are enabled upon creation of the API Key.

Smart Wallet Destination Address A smart wallet destination address is allowed to send transactions to or interact with. These addresses can be smart contracts, EOAs (Externally Owned Accounts), or other smart wallet addresses. This feature is useful for restricting the smart wallet to only send transactions to your own contracts.

To restrict the contracts that Smart Wallet can interact with:

  • Navigate to Settings > API Keys

  • Locate Smart Wallet under Services

  • Input the contract address(es) into the 'Allowed Contract Addresses' field.

  • Save your new settings by selecting Save

Embedded Wallets

By default, Embedded Wallet services are enabled upon creation of the API Key.