
Using Smart Wallet in Typescript

By using the wallet SDK alongside the TypeScript SDK, you can use smart wallets in your applications easily.

Example Use Cases

The wallet SDK with the TypeScript SDK is primarily used when creating a backend for your application or when creating a node script. In this guide, we will be using the wallet SDK to create a Node script but the logic for creating a backend is the same.

If you are working in a React environment, you are recommended to follow this guide.

  • Deploy an Account Factory

    Deployable via the explore page or build your own ERC 4337 compatible factory contract using the Solidity SDK.

    Choose the right smart wallet setup for your app. thirdweb offers the following three different kinds of smart wallets:

    Read about the differences between the three smart wallet types here.

  • Create an API key

    To use the smart wallet bundler and paymaster, you must create an API key and a billing account.

    To create an API Key:

    • Head to the settings page in the dashboard and click the API Keys tab.
    • Click on Create API Key:
    • Follow the steps to create your API key.

    To use smart wallet infrastructure on mainnet you will also need to create an account and add a payment method.

  • Create a Node Script

    To use smart wallets in a node script, we are going to setup our project using the CLI create command. Open your terminal and run:

    npx thirdweb create app

    When promted, select/input the following options:

    • A name for the project
    • EVM as the blockchain
    • Node.js as the environment
    • TypeScript as the language

    This will create a repository. Open it in your code editor.

    Create a .env file and add the following:


    Open the index.ts file and delete the starter script, we won't need it.

  • Creating the Personal Wallet Key

    This smart wallet is unlocked by a 'key' - a personal wallet. This key can be anything from a MetaMask wallet or even a Local Wallet and is used as a way to 'sign in' to the wallet.

    First install the wallets package if you haven't already:

    yarn add @thirdweb-dev/wallets

    To create a personal wallet key, we are going to use the Local Wallet, which we need to import from the @thirdweb-dev/wallets package, and store it in an ecrypted JSON file.

    import { LocalWalletNode } from "@thirdweb-dev/wallets/evm/wallets/local-wallet-node";
    // Load or create personal wallet
    // here we generate LocalWallet that will be stored in wallet.json
    const personalWallet = new LocalWalletNode();
    await personalWallet.loadOrCreate({
    strategy: "encryptedJson",
    password: "my_password", // or any password
    const personalWalletAddress = await personalWallet.getAddress();
    console.log("Personal wallet address:", personalWalletAddress);
  • Creating the Smart Wallet

    Now, let's create a smart wallet using the SmartWallet class from the @thirdweb-dev/wallets package. To do this, we need to pass a SmartWalletConfig object to the constructor. This object contains the following properties:

    • chain: the chain that the smart wallet will be deployed on.
    • factoryAddress: the address of the account factory contract.
    • secretKey: the secret key that we created earlier.
    • gasless: whether the smart wallet should be gasless or not.

    Once we have created the config and instantiating the SmartWallet class, we can connect the personal wallet to the smart wallet using the connect method.

    // Configure the smart wallet
    const config: SmartWalletConfig = {
    chain: "goerli",
    factoryAddress: "0x...", // your factory address
    secretKey: process.env.THIRDWEB_SECRET_KEY as string,
    gasless: true,
    // Connect the smart wallet
    const smartWallet = new SmartWallet(config);
    await smartWallet.connect({

    To view all of the methods on the SmartWallet class, view the Wallet SDK documentation.

  • Instantiate the thirdweb SDK

    Now that we have created a smart wallet object and connected it, we can instantiate the thirdweb SDK with the smart wallet using the fromWallet method.

    // now use the SDK normally to perform transactions with the smart wallet
    const sdk = await ThirdwebSDK.fromWallet(smartWallet, chain, {
    secretKey: secretKey,
    console.log("Smart Account addr:", await sdk.wallet.getAddress());
    console.log("balance:", (await sdk.wallet.balance()).displayValue);

    We have also passed our secretKey to the SDK so that we can use the smart wallet bundler and paymaster.

    We have also added some helpful logs to view the smart wallet address and balance using the associated balance and getAddress methods.

  • Using the Smart Wallet

    In order to follow this specific example, you will need the following setup:

    Now let's use this smart wallet to claim an ERC20 token from a token drop contract!

    First, we will get the contract instance of an ERC20 token drop contract using the getContract method. Then, we will get the balance of the ERC20 token using the balance method and log it to the console. Finally, we will claim 1 ERC20 token using the claim method and log the transaction hash to the console.

    // Claim a ERC20 token
    const contract = await sdk.getContract(
    "0xc54414e0E2DBE7E9565B75EFdC495c7eD12D3823", // TokenDrop on goerli
    const tokenBalance = await contract.erc20.balance();
    console.log("ERC20 token balance:", tokenBalance.displayValue);
    const tx = await contract.erc20.claim(1);
    console.log("Claimed 1 ERC20 token, tx hash:", tx.receipt.transactionHash);
  • Run the Script

    To run the script, run the following command:

    yarn dev

    As you can see in the terminal output, upon claiming the token, the smart wallet is deployed. This is because smart account contracts are deployed when the first transaction is initiated.

    We have successfully deployed a smart wallet using our factory contract and claimed an ERC20 token!

  • Conclusion

    In this guide, we have learnt how to use the wallet SDK with the TypeScript SDK to create a smart wallet and claim an ERC20 token.

    Take a look at the GitHub Repository for the full source code!

    Node.js Script

    A Node.js script to create and interact with smart wallets.